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Review the connection status

The connection status displays information about the connection and of each stream being synced. Reviewing this summary allows you to assess the connection's current status and understand when the next sync will be run.

To review the connection status:

  1. In the Airbyte UI, click Connections.

  2. Click a connection in the list to view its status.

On timeThe connection is operating within the expected timeframe expectations set by the replication frequency
On trackThe connection is slightly delayed but is expected to catch up before the next sync.
DelayedThe connection has not loaded data within the scheduled replication frequency. For example, if the replication frequency is 1 hour, the connection has not loaded data for more than 1 hour
ErrorThe connection has not loaded data in more than two times the scheduled replication frequency. For example, if the replication frequency is 1 hour, the connection has not loaded data for more than 2 hours
Action RequiredA breaking change related to the source or destination requires attention to resolve
PendingThe connection has not been run yet, so no status exists
DisabledThe connection has been disabled and is not scheduled to run
In ProgressThe connection is currently extracting or loading data

Review the stream status

The stream status allows you to monitor each stream's latest status. The stream will be highlighted with a grey pending bar to indicate the sync is actively extracting or loading data.

On timeThe stream is operating within the expected timeframe expectations set by the replication frequency
ErrorThe most recent sync for this stream failed
PendingThe stream has not been synced yet, so not status exists

Each stream shows the last record loaded to the destination. Toggle the header to display the exact datetime the last record was loaded.

You can reset an individual stream without resetting all streams in a connection by clicking the three grey dots next to any stream. It is recommended to start a new sync after a reset.

You can also navigate directly to the stream's configuration by click the three grey dots next to any stream and selecting "Open details" to be redirected to the stream configuration.

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